Linen, Drapes & Sheets: One Stop Shop for Home Furnishings

Linen, Drapes & Sheets: One Stop Shop for Home Furnishings

Just like clothes are a reflection of any person's identity or personality, home furnishings are clothes for any house. It is the first layer of a home's personality as reflected through its essential or basic furnishing like linen, drapes, upholstery, carpets and sheets. Moreover, the first thing that greets you when you open your eyes in the morning is the home furnishings, the sheets on the bed you have been sleeping in and the drapes in your room. They are also the last thing that meets your sight when you call it a day and retire for the night. The sheer sight of a neat and tidy home dressed in sparkling crisp linen and sheets is the picture of any man's dream home and is the sight they like would like to come home to, every day.


Adah by Paayal has a complete selection of home furnishings of the highest quality, design and fabric fit for suiting the likes of royalty. Right from printed sheets, finest quality linen, drapes of different sizes and colors, curtains and upholstery, carpets and rugs, Adah by Paayal has a well-stocked collection of home furnishing accessories and products sourced from the best manufacturers all over the country.  We also have a wide collection of seating accessories such as cushions, cushion covers and wall hangings. 


Your home decor and the arrangement of home furnishings are often a subtle mirror of yourself and can reveal a lot about you, your personality, your aspirations and your tastes. Needless to state, the home décor and furnishings can go a long way in healing and soothing a tired mind, body and soul with its aesthetic appeal and the energy it exudes.