Home Decor

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Home Linen

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Crockery & Cutlery

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Planters & Garden Decor

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Adah by Payal - A Unique Ensemble of Home Decor & Craft

Powered by the concept of aggregating the indigenous crafts, traditional wares and unique businesses of rural India, Adah by Payal is a boutique Ecommerce platform that curates simplistic yet pretty and attractive items sourced directly from craftsmen and merchants, under the same roof. Our wide range of products includes Home Decor items, Women’s Accessories and Outfits, Decorative goods, Crockery as well as Indoor & Outdoor planters. Our products are primarily meant to appeal to women from all walks of life, home makers and young working women who are stricken by time and restrictions to pamper themselves occasionally with a splash of the nicer things in life.

Why choose Adah by Payal?

1. Authentic Indian crafts & wares sourced directly from merchants

We source our products and wares directly from the craftsmen and indigenous businesses after conducting a thorough check on the quality and authenticity of each product individually before putting them up for display.

2. Unique selection of products, not available on other online platforms

Our selection of all product lines is one of a kind and their availability is restricted to our brand exclusively. The designs and patterns of products on display are not available on other Ecommerce platforms.

3. Support local businesses & enable them with self employment

We support local businesses and play an important role in enabling indigenous traders and craftsmen to take their produce directly to the end consumer. The profits generated from sales are largely distributed to their favour without charging them any fee or commission towards it.

4. Best quality products at affordable price points

Our boutique Ecommerce platform is the best bet for the modern Indian woman from any walk of life to access traditional Indian home decor items, jewellery and many other interesting products at her own convenience and comfort. Our products are priced very affordably and provide best value for your money.

Latest Updates from Adah by Payal.

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Do Your Own Decor: Quirky Home Decor Items Under One Roof

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